Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Postcrossing...have you heard of it?
You register yourself and it begins the exchange of postcards from around the world.  It's free...which is awesome!

I got my first 4 addresses for 4 different ladies they are from The Netherlands, Japan, Russia and Finland.  I picked up some Seattle postcards and Walmart and wrote them all a little note.  Today, I'm going up the street to the post office to get my international postcard stamps...they are about $1.00 each.  How this works is I have a postcard ID to put on the postcard.  Once it is recieved, they register the postcard and then my name goes onto the list to go to someone around the world to mail me a postcard.  They make it so you only send and recieve 1 from each country.  I'm looking forward to getting my first postcard!  I'll keep this updated!

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